Serena Gainda

As semester two begins, we glance back at the previous semester and make the solemn vow to ourselves as many have made before us- ‘never again’. We look ahead and reassure ourselves that this time, it’ll be better.  We are ready. The promises are made to get ahead with work, get organised, attend lectures and what’s more, stay awake during them! Our motivation levels are peaking and we’re rearing to go. However, before we know it, this motivation dwindles and we slink back into old habits. Semester two, you continue unconquered and we wearily chase your tail. To really get into the meat of semester two, use your initial motivation to make important changes in the beginning and you’ll have the reigns.

Often our early motivation extends to just writing more detailed lecture notes. However, during exam time/coursework period, we’re more likely to spend time consolidating knowledge and revisiting topics thus dealing with far more work and pressure. If you consolidate your knowledge now, you’ll save yourself from re-learning later and will find yourself naturally inclined to stick to a work pattern, making revision a lot easier. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, but at the same time don’t have the hammock-laying hakuna matata attitude that many adopt. You’ll experience less stress in the long run and will find yourself getting further into the depths of your learning.

Whilst it’s important to work, it’s also important to provide yourself incentives to ensure you continue to fully engage with your course. Yet, the balance is difficult to strike. You don’t want to distract yourself from your work and you don’t want to neglect fun-time. This is where organisation comes in (yes, you knew that was coming).Get an hourly planner. Schedule exactly what you’re going to do when to achieve the right balance between work and play. Keeping a routine will keep you attached to your learning but will also help you get ahead, meaning guilt-free fun time! If you don’t plan your time, you’ll lose touch with your work and the mission to be better fails.

To immerse yourself in the second semester, you must work at a consistent level and establish a work pattern (or you’ll miss information and become frustrated, having to catch up last minute). You need to reward yourself and you need to organise your time to the hour (be precise!).  Do this and you’ll really be throwing yourself in and taking the semester for all it is worth.

Good luck!


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