Name: Josh Reynolds    

Running for: Head of Media

Josh Reynolds is not just your average ice-cream lover.  Oh no! This Mint ice-cream lover is looking to become Head of Media and has the interests of each section as his driving force.  His awareness of training issues has sparked his video tutorial concepts for both LCR and LSUTV.  His passions don’t just stop at TV and Radio, he also has both Label and Loop within his sights and stated that he ‘doesn’t want to come in and revamp everything as I’m sure each section has their own foresight, but instead I want to help guide it to achieve further success.’  Reynolds’s praises for the Media Centre and how it has been run this year weren’t hard to miss and one of his goals is to continue its success.  So keep your eyes peeled for Josh Bond!

Q1: (V) Why are you running for the role of Head of Media?

(J) I’m really passionate about the Media Centre and I’ve been involved in all the sections in my time here.  My main reason for running for this position is that I would like to see it developed further and to take what I’ve learnt from my time here and apply it to helping new volunteer who come in each and every year.

Q2: (V) What makes you more suited than other candidates running for Head of Media?

(J) The main thing that makes me stand out is that I’m friendly and approachable.  I’m mostly interested in helping new volunteers and helping existing volunteers better themselves. I think I’ll be very good with getting in touch with people with personal issues or with those who need help developing specific career paths, or their skills within their chosen departments.  But also, I think I have the knowledge and expertise to guide people in each of the sections.

Q3: (V) Can you tell us a little bit about your campaign theme? 

(J) My campaign theme is Josh Bond, playing on the theme of James Bond.  I’ve always been a massive fan of James Bond, I’ve watched all the films, love the music, the action style and even the old Bonds where the special effects were more basic and the stunts weren’t quite as spectacular.  But the main reason as to why I went for that theme is because James Bond is a media icon and that’s what I want to represent every aspect of media and not just TV, which is my main asset and passion.

Q4: (V) What would you say is the most important aspect of your manifesto?

(J) You don’t have to be an expert to get involved with LSU Media, a lot of people feel that they aren’t trained in a specific field or section, that they aren’t an expert at using a camera or presenting and it often puts people off joining, even after we have our welcome meetings.  So, the main campaign I want to run next year is to ensure that new members are encouraged to join, develop their own skills, or better them if they are more established in their section and get involved with taster sessions that will be run regularly so that people can ease in to the media sections rather than being thrown in at the deep end. 

Q5: (V) In one sentence why should people vote for you?

(J) The main reason people should vote for me is because my mission is to train and improve the skills of those pursuing careers in the media industry and also to entertain and inform the students of Loughborough with high quality content.


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