During the newly-implemented Media Week withn the new look Exec Elections schedule, Label interviewed current LSUTV head of factual Helen Crossley. Helen was buzzing with nervous exitement but stayed cool, and was extremely confident when discussing her previous experience and manifesto points.
- What are the main reasons behind you running for Head of Media
“Since joining the Media Centre, I have felt part of a thriving and exciting section of the Union. There is an amazing work ethic in the Media Centre; everybody wants to produce the best output for Loughborough Students. I have been offered some amazing opportunities, more than I have through any other section and it is my desire to build upon these opportunities and give them back to other students that has led me to apply for the role of Head of Media.”
- What do you think of the current Head of Media, Natasha Cox, and is there anything you would plan to do differently if you were in that position next year?
“I think Natasha has done an absolutely brilliant job as Head of Media and instead of bringing extreme change, I wish to build upon the work that she has done. Natasha has focused on building the standard of media that LS Media produces and I therefore wish to increase the consumption of the output that media produces.”
- What is your one main manifesto point?
“My main manifesto point is to introduce a head of content who will sit on Media Senate and oversee all of the content produced by LS Media. The head of content will chair meetings between the heads of sport, news and entertainment from each section of LS Media, allowing cross-platforming between sections and ensuring that we produce excellent output.”
- Why should students vote for you to be the next Head of Media over anyone else in Loughborough?
“I believe that the experience that I have in the media sector, as well as within the Union, leaves me in the best position to be the next head of LS Media. I have worked with Label, LCR & LSUTV as well as working as an assistant producer at a professional radio station and as runner for a professional television production company. During my time in Loughborough, I have worked with a range of volunteers and would thoroughly enjoy being given the opportunity to continue doing this and giving opportunities back to our media volunteers.”
- In one sentence, can you sum up what you think the role of Head of Media involves?
“Working with students to produce quality media output for Loughborough students, as well as working to build upon the personal development of our media volunteers.”
All answers given are those of the candidates, recorded and transcribed word for word, and are not influenced by our writers.
Helen Crossley, running as 'Hands On' Helen, is uncontested in this year's Executive Elections, to read the rest of Label's coverage click here.