VP Education candidate, Lazar ‘Laz Vegas’ Zindovic has spoken to Label about his friendly rivalry with his opponent Matthew ‘Indiana’ Jones and how he is not “looking for allegiances.”

When speaking about his fellow candidate he said: “I think we are both great candidates and we made sure that we shook hands.”

He also added: “We had a good laugh yesterday during the photo shoots. I don’t think that there are any hard feelings between us.”

Zindovic then moved on to speak about his campaign tactics. When asked about allegiances he claimed that “no allegiances have been made whatsoever.”

“I personally think other alliances can exclude other candidates that are also running and it can put people off. I’m happy with the team I’ve got.”

He complimented his campaign team by declaring them as “absolutely tremendous” and boasted of a 25 strong campaign team on the first night.

“I wouldn’t be able to do this without the support and help of my campaign team. From the off they have been right behind me.”

Lazar ‘Laz Vegas’ Zindovic is currently running for the position of VP Education and is contested by Matt ‘Indiana’ Jones.


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