Outside the students union on Loughborough University’s midlands campus there is a Pro Palestine Rally – but what are they fighting for?

Today marks 76 years since The Nakba or The Catastrophe where Israel took Palestinian land through ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Seven decades later Palestinian people are being bombed daily in what many are calling genocide.

The organisers of the Pro Palestine Rally, Loughborough Action for Palestine, claims to have found several University partnered organisations guilty of complicity with Israel. The following was listed in their distributed material.

“JCB manufactures military bulldozers used by the IDF to bulldoze Palestinian homes and schools.”

“Rolls-Royce supplies the US F-35 Joint Strike Fighter programme, which was used by Israel to attack the Gaza strip.”

“Caterpillar’s 6-ton D9 military bulldozer has become a symbol of Israel’s oppression of Palestinians. Caterpillar has also provided equipment used to reinforce Israel’s apartheid wall in the West Bank.”

“BAE Systems manufacture multiple weapon systems routinely used in war crimes against Palestinians. These weapons include but are not limited to munitions, missile launching kits, components for combat aircraft and armoured vehicles.”

The rally is calling on Loughborough University to divest from these organisations. There is yet to be a statement from Loughborough University on the rally.

This is an evolving story – and we will let you know any updates.


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