LSUTV walked away from last weekend’s National Student Television Association Awards with 3 Silver Awards, marking the end of another year in student tv at Loughborough. The ceremony held at the Imperial War Museum North was a great success and finale for what was another great conference, this year hosted by Shock TV, Fuse TV and Quays TV.

Deputy Station Manager for LSUTV, Paige Howe, picked up a Silver Award for Best Drama, for her short film, Finding My Place, which is a heart warming story of how loneliness shouldn’t be an experience that ruins your time at university.
This short film aims to combat the impression that starting university is always a smooth sailing experience and that it’s okay to take the time to adjust and discover the new communities.
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On-Screen Talent

Lucy Moore picked up a gong for Best On-Screen talent, recieving the Silver Award for her presenting, comedy and performance roles across the last 12 months.

LSUTV’s Director-General, Oliver Granger and Controller, Lucy Moore, also collected a gong for Best Sports Film, collecting the Silver Award on behalf of the station. Match Report covered a number of events over the last 12 months, and you can watch the highlights here.