This Monday welcomed the Loughborough Student Leader elections, with thirteen candidates across five roles, this year’s LSU elections are gearing up to be extremely thrilling. One notable position up for grabs, that has been on high deman, is the role of Academic Experience Executive Officer. Becca Schofield is one candidate for the role. As a final year Physics student, Becca has experience as both the Physics Department Chair and as a Course Rep. Becca answered some questions we presented in order to gain further knowledge into what she would bring to the role.

What are your top priorities for your time as Academic Experience Officer?

My top priorities would be to help further develop the student volunteer experience and engagement in each department to help give all students a more rounded and balanced academic experience. Additionally, I aim to prioritise making lectures more accessible to people with learning difficulties such as dyslexia and ADHD through looking at enforcing breaks in lectures longer than 1 hour and lecture notes being in a dyslexic friendly format.

What good work would you look to carry on from this year?

Looking at James’ work, I would definitely look at continuing with the improving of the postgraduate community experience with the introduction of the postgraduate representatives and looking into the Academic Experience Steering Committee mentioned in his statement of intent as these concepts very much align with my own manifesto. Additionally, I would look to carrying on clarification and guidance on AI uses as, although not mentioned in my own manifesto, I believe is a matter which concerns the academic experience of most students and shouldn’t be disregarded. This is especially true as AI is continuously being developed and proven useful for different aspects of many coursework and assignments.

What experience have you encountered which you believe improved your ability in the role?

Throughout my time here I have been actively involved with the union, from Bill Mo Treasurer in my first year to being Physics Department Chair since my second year and an Action Leader in my third year. From this, I have been able to develop an understanding of the workings of the Union, halls and departments with first hand experiences. These roles on top of being a course representative since first year mean that I know what engages students, what issues different departments face in terms of academics and committee wise and have the full confidence to know I could successfully lead the student body through being Academic Experience Officer.

Where does your personal drive to take up this position come from? 

Partially, my drive comes from having discussions with students not just in my own department or school but from different parts of the university about issues they face which concern the academic experience. After spending the last 2-3 years only making changes in Physics, I want to help improve the academic experience of those across the whole university too. My drive also comes from personal experience being dyslexic myself and coming across times where I’ve noticed areas where lecture notes could be improved to help people like myself have an easier and more accessible time with academic content.

What should voters expect from your campaign? 

If you come find us in the snug we have some fun planned involving a spin the wheel, sweets, tiny (plastic) frogs and potentially some Mario Kart. We also have some videos in the works so make sure to follow our Instagram. I’ll also be conducting polls and Q&A’s on my Instagram story where you can interact with myself and ask any questions so don’t worry if you can’t come and find any of the team in person. My campaign team and I can be a chatty bunch so if you do find us in person we’re really friendly and open to any questions you have.

If voters would like to get in touch with further questions, are you open to this and how would they go about contacting you?

Of course. Voters can get in touch with myself and my team via our email ‘[email protected]’ or messaging us through our Instagram ‘@becca.for.academic’. If you’d prefer to see us in person, we’ll also be in the snug 3pm Tuesday 25th, 2pm Thursday 27th and on a stall in the union 3rd March – 5th March. Feel free to stop and ask any of the team any questions when you see us around campus too!

We wish Becca and other candidates the very best with their campaign. Make sure to keep your eyes peeled around campus for election related activities this week, such as campaigning teams and mascots etc…Voting opens at 8am on the 3rd of March, via the LSU app, and closes at 5pm on the 5th March. Happy voting!


Sophia Tilbury is the Label Lifestyle Editor

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