As a student, many of you will be well and truly familiar with the fragile feeling form a post-FND night. This Brunch Bake recipe is guaranteed to make you feel more human again. Why not make it as a sociable flat-breakfast whilst you flick through the photos of your night out?


6 English Muffins

1 ½-2 tbsp. Wholegrain Mustard

6 Bacon Rashes

12 Raw Cocktail Sausages

600ml (1 pint) Semi-Skinned Milk

4 Large Eggs

2 tbsp. Chives (fresh is best but dried will do)

40g Mature Cheddar

Handful of Cherry Tomatoes


1.     Preheat the oven to 200°C, gas mark 6. Grease a rectangular, oven proof dish with butter.

2.     Cut the muffins in half horizontally and spread the cut sides with the mustard. Cut the bacon rashers in half.

3.     Arrange the muffins (cut side up) in the dish with the bacon and then place the sausages around.

4.     Mix the milk, eggs and chives in a jug: seasoning is optional. Then you pour this mixture over the muffins.

5.     Scatter the cherry tomatoes around and top with plenty grated cheese.

6.     Bake for 30-35 minutes until the sausages are golden and the liquid has set.

7.     You can garnish with some more chives and serve with baked beans, if you desire.

You will feel more lively in no time!

Emma Spencer


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