Name: Elvyn Richards
Hall Chair: Gavin Mott
Location: Student Village
Catering: Catered
Distance from the Union: 15 minutes

From the Hall Chair:

'Hello Freshers! My name is Gavin Mott and I am the Elvyn Richards Hall chair. My role, alongside my dedicated 16-member strong student committee, is to ensure your experience here at Elvyn is the best it can be. We exist to provide you with a range of opportunities and experiences, from organising and running your freshers fortnight to arranging charity, social, sporting and environmental events. Whilst ensuring we cover it all through our media networks and keeping you looking fresh in your Elvyn Stash.

This year's freshers fortnight here in Elvyn is set to be an explosive one! The committee and I have been working hard to ensure these are two of the best weeks of your life and a truly unforgettable experience. The fortnight will kick start on the first Tuesday 24th with the infamous German band, a legendary night here in Elvyn that never disappoints – setting a precedence for the excitement you can expect throughout.

This year is Elvyn's year, so you have chosen the right hall! To the theme of Super Elvyn Brothers, we will make our presence known to all our rival halls on campus throughout the fortnight and particularly in the Sing-off 2013.

Commit to the fancy dress; be open to new experiences, bond with your fellow Elvyners and chant like you have never chanted before. These 2 weeks will stay with you forever.

I look forward to seeing you all soon and hope you had an amazing summer.


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