So you’re lucky enough to be coming to Loughborough in just a few days time. Freshers Week will be upon you and I can assure it will be one of the most unique and incredible experiences of your life.

You might be apprehensive of living with people you’ve never met, or away from home but that feeling goes within half an hour of your parents leaving. It’s not a problem, I promise you.

There’ll be people throwing buzzwords at you, hall committees, the union exec (myself included), sports clubs and more will be handing you freebies, showing you leaflets and giving you presentations. It might seem a bit much at times, and at first you might just want to spend each night going out in ridiculous outfits, but all this extra information and freebies are for a reason. I honestly believe the amount there is here for you to get involved with is beyond anything elsewhere. We might seem in your face, but that’s just because we don’t want you to miss out.

Three years ago, I came here to do Politics with Economics. I expected at the end of my three years to come away with a degree, some great mates and maybe to have played a bit of hockey.

What actually happened was I climbed Kilimanjaro, had my own radio show, played more sports than I can count, chopped down trees, played football at Stamford Bridge, had some of the most outrageous nights out of my life and got called cute by Maria Sharapova.

Oh, and I got a degree.

Action, the AU clubs, IMS, Rag, Societies, media, elections, even playing a part in how your own course is run – you will hear about all of these things and more.

So my advice for you?

Read, listen and ask questions. You’ll come out of your three years with a degree, but whether you have the best three years of your life can easily depend on whether you actually read that booklet in Freshers week.


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