Lucy Padolsey, running for VP Finance and Commercial Services, has had a busy week so far. Not only has she embarked on the usual candidate activities of door knocking, lecture shout outs and sweet distribution, she has also had a trip to the walk in centre.

“It’s all quite unfortunate really!

“I had just done a series of lecture shout outs and was really pleased with myself, so I went to high five Pete (Childs). I would like to add at this point he is quite a bit taller than me!

“When I jumped up and landed, my ankle just went from beneath me. I soon realised I couldn’t feel it. So I took myself off to the walk in centre and here I am”

Despite the ligament injury, Padolsey remained upbeat as she joked: “We all have our own strengths and weaknesses!”

Amusingly, it was at this point that fellow candidate, Chris Android Lloyd, who was also with Padolsey, added in jest: “Your weakness being your ankle at the moment!”

And as Peter ‘Smurf’ Childs came and joined the party, Padolsey said, "You have caused this injury and now you are sitting on my leg!"

However, it appears that the other candidates are being helpful to Padolsey during this hard time for her.

According to a recent Facebook status, she has received support and advice AU President candidate Adam ‘Rocky’ Rae’.

The update read: 'Adam Rae is making me ice bucket my ankle……wow massive new found respect for people who take ice baths and do Tough Guy!'

And it doesn't seem to just be the other candidates who are helping Padolsey. It appears to be with the help of some serious snacks that she is getting rthrough the gruelling campaign schedule. 

When Label bumped into Padolsey, she was accompanied by fellow candidates, Jason Painter and Chris 'Android' Lloyd, and they had just returned from a ‘refuelling’ trip to Sainsburys.

Padolsey described the results of their trip.

“We have milk, several chocolate Easter eggs and lots of sweets!"

When discussing the campaign in general, Padolsey, who turns 22 on Monday, which is in turn voting day, had nothing but positive things to say.

“It’s going so well, I am having so much fun! The support has just been amazing.

“I still have a lot planned for the remainder of the campaigning period. Tonight [Thursday] I am going to Towers for door knocking and then off to Universal Thursday with my Power Rangers. Maybe even Rain – who knows!

“Watch out, I’m out with lots of sweets and lots of Power Rangers. And hopefully lots of support!”

Lucy 'Power' Padolsey is running against Ian 'Shrek' Jakings for the position of VP: Finance and Commercial Services.


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